

  • [Windows]如何将 Windows PC 的屏幕镜像到 Mac/PC
    [Windows]如何将 Windows PC 的屏幕镜像到 Mac/PC

    1.Connect your devices to the same Wi-Fi; 2.Install & Open 1001 TVs on your devices; 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store 📥 Windows Version: Download for Windows 3.On your PC: Click [Mirror PC to TV], and select your screen: Duplicate, Extend or Select window; 4.1001 TVs will automatically detect devices such as smart TVs, TV boxes, and PCs connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Simply choose the device you want to Mirror to. 5.On the Receiving Device: Click [OK]. 6.Once connected, you can start mirroring your screen to the TV instantly! ✨ Download 1001 TVs Now 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store 📥 PC Version: Download for Windows

  • 如何将屏幕镜像到 Android/iOS 手机
    如何将屏幕镜像到 Android/iOS 手机

    1. Connect your devices to the same Wi-Fi; 2.Install & Open 1001 TVs on both devices; 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store 📥 Windows Version: Download for Windows 📱 iOS Version: Download from App Store 📱 Android Version: Download from Google Play 3.On the Receiving Phone: Tap [Screen Receiver] and keep the device ready for connection; 4.On the Casting Phone: Tap [Screen Mirroring]/[Mirror PC to TV]/[Mirror Mac to TV], then search for and select the receiving device; · Windows can select screen: Duplicate, Extend or Select Window · Mac can select screen: Main Display or Select Window 5.On the Receiving Phone: Tap [Accept] to confirm the request and start mirroring. Download 1001 TVs Now 📥 TV Version: Download from Google Play Store 📥 Mac…

  • 如何在屏幕镜像中获得更好的画质?

    When using screen mirroring, you might find that the image quality isn’t as clear as you expected. This can happen due to network conditions, device settings, or automatic adjustments that focus on stability rather than resolution. To get the best viewing experience, try these steps to improve your screen mirroring quality. 🔄 Keep Everything Updated Make sure the 1001 TVs app and your device’s system software are updated to the latest versions for optimal compatibility and performance. 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store 📥 PC Version: Download for Windows 📱 iOS Version: Download from App Store 📱 Android Version: Download from Google Play 🎯 Optimize Image Quality Settings For the best picture quality on your TV or other display devices, turn off the Auto…

  • [iOS]屏幕广播不可用?

    如果点击 "开始广播 "后出现以下弹窗,请不要担心!只需进入设置并启用屏幕录制即可解决问题。1.打开 "Seetings"。点击 "屏幕时间" 2.点击 "内容和隐私限制" 3.点击 "商店、网络、Siri 和游戏中心内容" 4.点击 "屏幕录制" 5.点击 "允许"。

  • 扩展屏幕:将手机、平板电脑或电视用作第二台显示器

    在这个设备连接比以往任何时候都更加紧密的世界,1001 TVs 可帮助简化您的数字生活。只需几个简单的步骤,您就可以将手机、平板电脑、电视或其他电脑变成电脑的扩展显示屏,让工作和娱乐更高效、更愉快。为什么使用屏幕扩展?- 提高您的工作效率:额外的屏幕空间可以让你更聪明地工作,因为它可以同时打开多个窗口,这样你就不必在不同任务之间不断切换。- 创建理想设置:根据自己的需要和偏好,随意安排工作空间。如何设置屏幕扩展示例:将 Windows PC 显示屏扩展到 iPad 1.将两台设备连接到相同的 Wi-Fi 上确保 PC 和接收设备(如 iPad)的 Wi-Fi 网络连接。

  • 如何将旧 iMac 用作 Macbook 的扩展显示屏
    如何将旧 iMac 用作 Macbook 的扩展显示屏

    有了 1001TV,你可以在 Mac 上设置虚拟副屏幕,并将其镜像到旧 Mac 上。这样,你就可以将旧 Mac 重新用作额外的显示器。由于苹果公司的政策,官方在线版本中并不包含这一功能。由于 Apple 的政策原因,官方在线版本中并不包含此功能,你需要手动下载并安装。下载地址点击此处下载 重要注意事项- 将提供链接中的版本安装到用于投屏的设备上。- 接收设备只需使用标准在线版本即可。- 如果您的投屏设备上已经安装了 SwiftCast,请确保在安装新版本之前卸载它。如何完成安装并启用屏幕镜像功能 1.打开安装程序 下载后,单击...

  • 新功能:在 1001 TVs+ Android 15 上投屏单个 APP
    新功能:在 1001 TVs+ Android 15 上投屏单个 APP

    Android 15 devices, like the Vivo X200 series, now support a handy new feature—Single App Casting! We tested it with 1001 TVs and found it super useful. Here’s how it works! 📸 How to Use Single App Casting? 1️⃣ Select "Single App" Mode (You can also choose "Entire Screen" for regular screen mirroring). 2️⃣ Pick the app you want to cast: · Top section: Shows previews of apps that are already open. · Bottom section: Lists unopened apps (e.g., iQIYI). Selecting one will launch it automatically. 3️⃣ Start Casting! Your TV or PC will display only the selected app, keeping everything else private. Keep Your Privacy Intact & Avoid Awkward Moments! 💡 If you switch to another app, the casted screen pauses instead of showing…

  • 屏幕镜像方式

    All the different ways you can mirror your screen on 1001 TVs have been prepared for you. Use 1001 TVs to mirror your screen to another screen, regardless of the platform or screen you use. This will help you. #1-Sender from iPhone/iPad #2-Sender from Android/phone/tablet #3-Sender from Windows #4-Sender from MacOs Let me know if you find this article helpful, or leave a comment below if you have any requests for content in the future.

  • 垂直屏幕镜像:打造全新视觉体验

    With 1001TVs, a cross-platform mirroring expert, you’re not limited to horizontal mirroring. Its vertical screen mirroring feature lets you enjoy a seamless, visually optimized experience that’s perfect for modern content. Whether for streaming, presentations, or simply sharing with friends, it brings a whole new level of convenience and enjoyment. (HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro mirror to MiBox) Here's a polished version of your steps: 1.Open "Setting" on your TV 📥 TV Version: Download from Google Play Store 📱 iOS Version: Download from App Store 📱 Android Version: Download from Google Play 2.Adjust the Screen Orientation · Navigate to “Adjust angle” in the setting. · Set the angle to “90°” to enable vertical mode. 3.Mirror Your Phone to the TV · Choose your device from the available…

  • Ensure a Stable Screen Mirroring Connection on HUAWEI Phones (e.g., Mate40 Pro)
    Ensure a Stable Screen Mirroring Connection on HUAWEI Phones (e.g., Mate40 Pro)

    If your Huawei phone keeps disconnecting while using 1001 TVs for screen mirroring, it’s likely because the power management settings are restricting background activity. You can easily fix this by adjusting a few settings to keep your connection stable. Here’s what to do: 1. Open the Settings app 2. Tap "Apps & services" 3. Tap "Launch manager" 4. Find 1001 TVs, turn off "Manage automatically" 5. Turn on "Run in background" After making these changes, try screen mirroring again. As long as your phone remains powered on and connected to Wi-Fi, 1001 TVs will deliver a seamless and uninterrupted experience—even for extended sessions! 🚀

  • 在 TCL 65 英寸 4 系列 4K UHD HDR LED 智能安卓电视上使用 1001 TVs 进行屏幕镜像的指南
    在 TCL 65 英寸 4 系列 4K UHD HDR LED 智能安卓电视上使用 1001 TVs 进行屏幕镜像的指南

    下载并安装 1001 TVs:在 Google Play 商店中搜索 1001 TVs,或访问 1001 TVs 网站并下载应用程序。将其安装到您的 TCL Android TV 上(例如,TCL 65" Class 4-Series 4K UHD HDR LED Smart Android TV - 65S4341)。启动 1001 TVs 应用程序:在TCL安卓电视上打开1001 TVs应用程序。在您的安卓设备上启动屏幕镜像:通过 Google Play 或 Appstore 在手机上安装 1001 TVs 应用程序。开始镜像:连接后,您的 Android 设备屏幕将镜像到 TCL 电视上。您将在大屏幕上看到手机界面、应用程序和内容。导航和互动:使用您的 Android 设备导航应用程序、视频、照片等,并与之互动。享受流媒体内容、玩游戏或共享演示文稿。调整...

  • 通过 1001 TVs,我将屏幕从 Samsung s10 镜像到 Dell OptiPlex 7050,还将文件传输到 Windows
    通过 1001 TVs,我将屏幕从 Samsung s10 镜像到 Dell OptiPlex 7050,还将文件传输到 Windows

    让我们来介绍一下如何存档。从 S10 到 PC 的屏幕镜像,非常容易实现。2.不仅是屏幕镜像,还可以将文件从手机传输到电脑,并将文件从电脑发送到手机:

  • 将屏幕从 vivo NEX 镜像到戴尔笔记本 Latitude 5511
    将屏幕从 vivo NEX 镜像到戴尔笔记本 Latitude 5511

    让我们分享一个将安卓手机屏幕镜像到戴尔电脑的简单方法!从官方网站下载 "1001 TVs "或从 Windows 应用商店获取,链接: https://www.1001tvs.com/downloads/ https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NF33JPHSQ14 在手机上安装应用程序 "1001 TVs",也可以从 Google Play 商店或其他 Android 应用商店获取 https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1464125180?pt=1147233&ct=new-1001tvs-web&mt=8 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nero.swiftlink.mirror&referrer=utm_source=homeweb&utm_campaign=homeweb 将两者连接到同一 Wi-Fi 上。启动手机上的应用程序,扫描 QRCode 开始屏幕镜像,手机屏幕在电脑上的显示如下。

  • 1001 TVs 支持的顶级安卓电视
    1001 TVs 支持的顶级安卓电视

    小米 oneday (MiBox S)TCL UnionTV (Union TV)Xiaomi aquaman (Mi TV Stick)TCL BeyondTV (Beyond TV)Xiaomi dangal (MiTV)TCL BeyondTV4 (G03_4K_GB)Sony BRAVIA_ATV3_4K (BRAVIA 4K GB ATV3)google sabrina (Chromecast Google TV)TCLC06 (C06_2K_GB)Philips PH9M_EA_5599 (Philips Android TV)Xiaomi nino (MiTV)Vestel yeoksam (Android TV)Sony BRAVIA_UR3 (BRAVIA 4K UR3)Sony BRAVIA_VH2 (BRAVIA VH2)TCL G07 (G07_4K_GB_NF)Xiaomi magnolia (MiTV)SW SW4H (SWTV-20AE)google boreal (Chromecast Google TV (HD))索尼 BRAVIA_ATV2 (BRAVIA 4K GB)Sony BRAVIA_VU1 (BRAVIA_VU) 你喜欢哪一款?欢迎告诉我们!

  • 1001 TVs 支持的顶级安卓手机
    1001 TVs 支持的顶级安卓手机

    三星 dm3q (Galaxy S23 Ultra)Redmi sweet (Redmi Note 12 Pro)三星 a51 (Galaxy A51)三星 b0q (Galaxy S22 Ultra)POCO vayu (POCO X3 Pro)三星 a32 (Galaxy A32)红米海棠 (RedmiNote 8 Pro)三星 r8q(Galaxy S20 FE)三星 a50(Galaxy A50)三星 a54x(Galaxy A54 5G)三星 a71(Galaxy A71)三星 a53x(Galaxy A53 5G)红米 joyeuse(红米 Note 9 Pro)HUAWEI HWSTK-HF (HUAWEI Y9s)Samsung a52q (Galaxy A52)Samsung a52sxq (Galaxy A52s 5G)HUAWEI HWVOG (P30 Pro)HUAWEI HWMAR (nova 4e)Redmi viva (Redmi Note 11 Pro) 你用的是哪一款?欢迎通过 1001tvs@nero.com 告诉我们。

  • 1001 TVs 支持将屏幕从 PC 镜像到 Sumsung Q700 系列电视机
    1001 TVs 支持将屏幕从 PC 镜像到 Sumsung Q700 系列电视机

    让我们一起来看看吧!选择他的三星电视开始屏幕镜像,还可以选择复制或扩展模式 请记得将操作系统更新到 10.0.22000.194 及以上版本,并将 1001 TVs 更新到 以上版本,祝您使用愉快!

  • Mac:有线屏幕镜像即将推出

    The wired screen mirroring feature for iOS devices is now available! Simply connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac using a cable。No need to download 1001 TVs on your iPhone or iPad! 1. Install 1001 TVs on MacBook 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store Click “Mirror Phone to Mac via cable” Permission Pop-up Window: Select “Allow” to ensure normal use. 2. Connect your iPhone/iPad to your Mac using a cable A permissions prompt will appear—select “Trust” to enable proper functionality. After successful connection, the interface displays as follows: 3.You can close and reopen the screen mirroring interface at any time. Notes: While the screen mirroring is loading, avoid plugging or unplugging the data cable to prevent mirroring failure. If you encounter issues like…

  • USB 屏幕镜像功能即将推出
    USB 屏幕镜像功能即将推出

    Lets see how to use 1001 TVs new screen mirroring function – USB screen mirroring, very very low delay! Please follow the steps. 1.Enable developer mode on your Android phone On Android 4.1 and lower, the Developer Options interface is enabled by default. On Android 4.2 and higher, you must enable this interface. Note: On some devices, the Developer Options interface may be located or named differently. On the device, find the build number option. The following table shows the location of the build number in Settings on various devices: Google Pixel Settings > About Phone > Build Number Samsung Galaxy S8 and above Settings > About phone > Software information > Build number LG G6 and above Settings > About Phone > Software Information…

  • 如何将多部手机镜像到同一台电脑上

    1001 TVs 允许您将多部手机投射到一台电脑上,为您带来更好的观看体验。无论是家庭聚会还是商务会议,这种方法都能确保为每个人带来更愉快的体验。下面介绍如何将多部手机投射到一台电脑上。对于 Android: 1.连接相同的 Wi-Fi: 确保你的手机和要镜像的设备都连接到相同的 Wi-Fi 网络。(建议使用 5G 频段的 Wi-Fi 连接以获得最佳性能) 2.安装并打开 1001 TVs 确保在手机和电脑上都安装了 1001 TVs。3.开始屏幕镜像 有两种方法可以开始:1)扫描二维码 您可以扫描二维码开始镜像(注:您需要授予摄像头权限...

  • 请更新至最新版本,以获得最佳音效。

    Update to the latest 1001 TVs version for screen mirroring with audio. Note: Due to copyright restrictions, some apps may not support audio casting. 1. Android phone/Pad Audio streaming was supported starting from version, please update to Requirements: Android 10 or above. Supported Devices: Audio streaming works with Windows PCs, Macs, Android TVs, and Apple TV. 2. iPhone/iPad Audio streaming was supported starting from version 2.0.12, please update to 3.0.0+. Supported Devices: Audio streaming works with Windows PCs, Macs, Android TVs, and Apple TV. 3. Windows PC Audio streaming was supported starting from version, please update to Supported Devices: Audio streaming works with Android TVs, and Apple TV. 4. MacBook Audio streaming was supported starting from version 2.0.4, please update to…

  • [1001 TVs] 如何在 iOS/Android 上关闭流畅模式
    [1001 TVs] 如何在 iOS/Android 上关闭流畅模式

    如果手机显示 "已连接",但屏幕无法在电视或电脑上加载,请尝试关闭 "流畅模式"。流畅模式 "默认已启用。如果需要,可以在设置中将其关闭。1.点击主页底部的 "配置文件"。2.点击 "设置"。3.找到 "平滑模式 "选项(默认已启用)并将其关闭。4.再次尝试镜像屏幕!

  • [1001 TVs] 如何将屏幕镜像到小米盒子 S
    [1001 TVs] 如何将屏幕镜像到小米盒子 S

    Mi Box S is powered by Android 8.1, making it easy to use and supporting Voice search and Chromecast. It delivers a world of content that the whole family can enjoy. The following is a tutorial for downloading, installing, and using 1001 TVs on Mi Box S. 1. Download and Install 📥 TV Version: Download from Google Play Store 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store 📥 PC Version: Download for Windows 📱 iOS Version: Download from App Store 📱 Android Version: Download from Google Play 2. Open 1001 TVs 3. Connect Same Wi-Fi: Make sure both your phone and TV are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. (A 5G band Wi-Fi connection is recommended for the best performance.) 4. Connect the device There are…

  • 如何扫描正确的 QR 码
    如何扫描正确的 QR 码

    在智能手机上安装 "1001 TVs "应用程序后,请同时在电视或电脑上安装 "1001 TVs"。接下来,扫描正确的 QR 码。1.以下截图为安卓电视端截图。如果与以下截图不符,请重新安装。下面提供的是英文版截图。其他语言的布局相同。对于 Apple TV:您可以使用遥控器放大二维码。2.如果希望将屏幕镜像到电脑,请安装电脑客户端。启动后,您将看到以下界面:点击第一个菜单,查看带有二维码的镜像页面,然后用手机扫描二维码。如果 PC 应用程序无法正常运行,请考虑重新安装...

  • 如何在无自动锁定干扰的情况下享受连续屏幕镜像功能

    If your phone’s screen mirroring stops because it automatically locks, it can be annoying. Luckily, you can easily change a setting to stop this from happening. Just follow these steps to adjust the auto-lock setting and keep your casting going without interruptions: 1. Open "Settings". 2. Tap "Display & Brightness". 3. Tap "Auto-Lock" 4. Change the Auto-lock setting to "Never". Note: This solution also applies when using a browser that locks the screen or when casting the screen on a Tesla. By following these steps, you can enjoy seamless screen mirroring without interruptions! 🎉

  • [iOS] 如何将 iPhone 镜像到 Mac
    [iOS] 如何将 iPhone 镜像到 Mac

    1.Connect Same Wi-Fi: Make sure both your iPhone and Mac are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. (A 5G band Wi-Fi connection is recommended for the best performance.) 2.Install and Open 1001 TVs Ensure to install 1001 TVs on both your iPhone and Mac. 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store 📱 iOS Version: Download from App Store 3.Start Screnn Mirroring There are three ways to begin: 1) Scan QR code You can scan the QR code directly from the homepage or after selecting the "Screen Mirroring" option. If the connection fails, the following interface will appear. If the connection is successful, you’ll see the mirroring interface. Tap “Start Mirror” ➜ “Start Broadcast” 2) Select Nearby Devices 1001 TVs will automatically detect devices such as…

  • [平板电脑 iOS] 如何将屏幕镜像到 iPad 浏览器(Chrome 浏览器)
    [平板电脑 iOS] 如何将屏幕镜像到 iPad 浏览器(Chrome 浏览器)

    1.Connect Same Wi-Fi:  Make sure both your phone and iPad are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. (A 5G band Wi-Fi connection is recommended for the best performance.) 2. Install and Open 1001 TVs To mirror your phone screen to a browser, all you need is the 1001 TVs app on your phone. 📱 iOS Version: Download from App Store 📱 Android Version: Download from Google Play 3. Screen Mirroring For Android: Tap "Browser Mirroring" on the homepage. Allow the required permissions. Enter the displayed URL in your web browser to mirror the screen (Chrome is recommended). Note: This mode supports screen mirroring only, without sound. For iOS: Tap “Browser Mirror” and choose between Basic Mode (no sound) or Pro Mode (with sound). Basic Mode:…

  • [安卓] 如何将安卓手机屏幕镜像到电脑
    [安卓] 如何将安卓手机屏幕镜像到电脑

    1.Connect Same Wi-Fi Make sure both your phone and PC are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. (A 5G band Wi-Fi connection is recommended for the best performance.) 2.Install and Open 1001 TVs Ensure to install 1001 TVs on both your phone and PC. 📥 PC Version: Download for Windows 📱 Android Version: Download from Google Play 3.Start Screen Mirroring There are three ways to begin: 1) Scan QR code You can scan the QR code to start mirroring.(Note: You’ll need to grant camera permission the first time you scan.) Once the scanning is successful, you can start screen mirroring. 2) Select Nearby Devices 1001 TVs will automatically detect devices such as smart TVs, TV boxes, and PCs connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Simply…

  • 如何将屏幕镜像到 Windows
    如何将屏幕镜像到 Windows

    From Android to Windows 1.Connect Same Wi-Fi Make sure both your phone and PC are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. (A 5G band Wi-Fi connection is recommended for the best performance.) 2.Install and Open 1001 TVs Ensure to install 1001 TVs on both your phone and PC. 📥 PC Version: Download for Windows 📱 Android Version: Download from Google Play 3.Start Screen Mirroring There are three ways to begin: 1) Scan QR code You can scan the QR code to start mirroring.(Note: You’ll need to grant camera permission the first time you scan.) Once the scanning is successful, you can start screen mirroring. 2) Select Nearby Devices 1001 TVs will automatically detect devices such as smart TVs, TV boxes, and PCs connected to the…

  • [Mac] 如何在 Mac 上镜像屏幕
    [Mac] 如何在 Mac 上镜像屏幕

    1001 TVs is a powerful cross-platform tool that makes screen sharing between phones, computers, and TVs simple and efficient. Mirroring Screen from Mac to TV Check out 1001 TVs--[Mac] How to Mirror Screen from Mac to TV Mirroring Screen from Mac to Windows PC Step 1: Connect Same Wi-Fi Make sure both your Mac and Windows PC are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. (A 5G band Wi-Fi connection is recommended for the best performance.) Step 2: Install and Open 1001 TVs 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store 📥 PC Version: Download for Windows Step 3: Start Screen Mirroring 1)On your Mac, click “Mirror Mac to TV” The app will automatically detect available devices (such as TVs, TV boxes, and PCs) on the same…

  • [Mac] 如何将屏幕从 Mac 镜像到电视
    [Mac] 如何将屏幕从 Mac 镜像到电视

    1. Connect Same Wi-Fi Make sure both your Mac and Windows PC are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. (A 5G band Wi-Fi connection is recommended for the best performance.) 2. Install and Open 1001 TVs 📥 TV Version: Download from Google Play Store 📥 Mac Version: Download from App Store 3. Start Screen Mirroring 1)On your Mac, click “Mirror Mac to TV” The app will automatically detect available devices (such as TVs, TV boxes, and PCs) on the same network running 1001 TVs. 2)Choose the target device (in this case, your TV). Tip: If the device doesn’t appear, make sure it’s running the app and click the “Refresh” button to reload the device list. 3)Select what you want to cast: your entire main screen or…

  • 频率最高