
How to Install 1001 TVs on PC

1.Download the Installer
Go to the official 1001 TVs website at https://www.1001tvs.cn/downloads/ to download the PC version of 1001 TVs.

2.Run the Installer
Double-click the downloaded file. Check the box to accept the privacy policy and terms of service.

1001 TVs installation screen with privacy policy option.

You can customize the installation path by clicking the folder icon.

File browsing window for installation with options highlighted.

Click “Install” and wait a few moments for the process to finish.

1001 TVs installation screen with install button highlighted.

3.Installation Complete!
Once it’s done, you’re all set to start using 1001 TVs!

1001 TVs options with receive and send modes.
1001 TVs app connection guide with QR code.